“It seems that we live in a century of infectious diseases that is why such events are very important”, Momchil Baev, doctor of medicine, founder of “Astra Forum” Foundation said. He underlined that this year “Astra Forum” Foundation has implemented green policy in terms of the event, while trying to minimize the use of plastic bottles, cups and lates for single use. “While eliminating plastics, we ensure cutting down on carbon print and ensure care after nature.”
“When I got invited for the Second conference in vaccine-preventable diseases, I thought – is there something new we could discuss, what new we could say? Truth is the discussion during the first two panels was very lively and different, everyone is speaking about one and the same problems yet viewed from different aspects”, associate professor Kunchev noted.
Kirilov reported it is great joy that Bulgaria has traditions in producing vaccines.
Discussion started in the panel about HPV becoming mandatory whereas this is done through law and not through the ordinance.
Doctor Veselina Kenderova, doctor of medicine, from Acibadem City Clinic University Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment Tokuda noted several important things in V panel – “Good immunization practices”:
- Children with chronic lung diseases are immunized with all the vaccines from the immunization plan of the particular country;
- It is desirable to administer additional vaccines and booster doses for influenza, pertussis and pneumococcal vaccines;
- Prevention of exacerbations is an important step in the maintenance of long-term lung health and vaccines play an important role in this process.