Strengthening the connection between human and nature would provide us with greater opportunities for studying it and the way our impact on the environment influences the health of the human population.

Human population’s health is in direct and tight correlation with the environment and nature. This important relation is being researched by the sector of public health known as ‘environmental health’, while considering the environmental factors that impact human health and diseases. This field of science could be considered as health of the environment – its ecological and biological equilibrium.
Strengthening the relation between human and nature being our purpose, would provide us with better opportunities to study it and the way our environmental impact influences the health of the human population. In our efforts we combine natural, social and medical sciences with a vision for people’s life and livelihood protection, and conservation of the natural ecosystems. Through popularizing and promoting innovative approaches towards the economic development that are socially and culturally acceptable, yet most of all ecologically sustainable.
Nature has never faced such significant challenges like nowadays for millennia, and the human population has grown to unsustainable numbers. In 1800 Earth’s population was 1 billion people, and just 220 years later, Earth’s population is 7,8 billion. However the global resources have not increased proportionally, quite the contrary. No other species have increased in numbers so much for such a short period of time, deteriorating the balance between species.
All this necessitates a more sustainable approach when it comes to exploitation of Earth resources and preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, in order to recover eco-equilibrium.
Globally, forests are also under threat and consistently decrease, thus numerous habitats go extinct, being the only shelter for rare flora and fauna species. Only in Bulgaria forests cover over 1/3 of the country’s territory. They provide clean air and clean drinking water for the population. They shelter a significant part of the country’s flora and fauna. They contribute for the natural turnover of nutrients, preserve our soil richness and are natural protective factors against erosion, landslides and floods. In addition to wooden material for numerous sectors and biomass for heating, forests are the source of numerous dietary and healing products – fruits, mushrooms, herbs. Additionally, they are the favorite recreation places for many people. Unfortunately, more and more often we see illegal logging, overbuilding and constructing roads in the forestry fund.
Our goal is preserving this treasure and rendering support for increasing forest areas; protecting and studying flora and fauna species, preserving and recovering habitats and endangered species.