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A presentation focusing on COVID-19 sub-variants around the world and models for home rehabilitation after a spent coronavirus infection, was presented by Prof. Dr. Argirova and Dr. Baev.

If we don’t know the COVID-19 situation, we won’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. That is what Prof. Radka Argirova, scientific consultant of the Astra Forum Foundation in the initial presentation of the joint report during the Second Scientific Conference “Chronic Diseases”, held from 19.05. to 22.05.2022. The theme of prof. Argirova and the President of the Foundation Dr. Momchil Baev was “LONG-COVID-pathogenesis, acute and chronic course and rehabilitation in COVID-19 today”.

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The prevalence of sub-varia of the coronavirus was a leading focus of performance. According to Prof. Argirova is currently circulating Omicron, but with Delta. In the first sub-variants of Omicron there is an extremely stable structure with its many mutants, which provide good contact with the receptors on the surface of the cell. Thus, leading to its rapid overflow in the population. To the extent that Delta “expects” its second chance to become a distribution-dominant variant of COVID-19.

The next major epidemic wave will begin in September, with a new sub-variant and with the beginning of the school year in the secondary education system. Therefore, it is especially important to use the summer to prepare the health system, stressed Radka Argirova.

Recent research has been presented showing that the mRNA of the virus can remain in the cells of the intestine even 230 days after the end of symptoms.

 However, the most serious remain the risks of cardiovascular disease due to COVID-19.

In conclusion, Prof. Argirova announced that vaccination with only two doses of Pfizer’s vaccine significantly reduces post-co-species symptoms when a person becomes infected but has been immune to the coronavirus.

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Attention in his part of the scientific report Dr. Baev departments of the Management in support of self-management of rehabilitation in the period after disease associated with COVID-19. The document is a WHO edition. The guide describes various techniques for dealing with breathing problems, physical activity exercises, energy saving tips and control fatigue, as well as a number of other useful tips in managing post-co-species symptoms.

At the end of prof. Argirova and Dr.    Baev the organizers of  the  conference  presented a Thank-you address  to the  team Astra Forum Foundation – Astra Forum Foundation. Chronic diseases”. Prof. Dr. Dobroslav Kurkchiev expresses his satisfaction with the joint work, the high contribution of the presented report and the disseminated materials among all over three hundred participants in the conference.

The initiative for the Second Scientific Conference “Chronic Diseases. Pathogenesis, Diagnostics, Clinic and Prevention” is of the Laboratory of Clinical Immunology of St. Constantine and Helena University Hospital “Ivan Rilski”, together with the Bulgarian Scientific Society of Immunooncology and held between 19 and 22 May 2022, in Nessebar.

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The purpose of the conference had focus on chronic diseases as the main cause of reduced life expectancy and quality of life. The message was that the multidisciplinary approach to these diseases in their entire multi-layered way is the approach that needs to be taken to maximize the benefit of the conference was attended by medical professionals – cardiologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, obstetricians, gastroenterologists, immunologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, general practitioners’ doctors, and residents from all over the country.

 In the framework of the scientific forum there was also a discussion panel on “Vaccines and COVID-19 – a year later”. The Chairman of the Astra Forum, Dr. Momchil Baev and the scientific consultant of the Foundation Prof. Dr. Radka Argirova took part in it. Some of the topics included in the program were:

  • Clinical cases and scientific cases.
  • Chronic cardiovascular diseases – challenges for the cardiologist.
  • Chronic diseases through the eyes of the rheumatologist.
  •  Malignancies – not always fatal.
  • Chronic challenges to women’s health.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as a chronic problem.
  • Immune response – the link in chronic diseases.

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