Фондация Астра Форум има удоволствието да ви покани на вече традиционната III Национална конференция по ваксинопредотвратими заболявания. Тя ще се проведе на 8-10 ноември 2024 г. в гр. София, хотел Metropolitan.
Continue readingSupport Group for Medical Specialists
“Astra Forum” Foundation keeps taking care after the mental health of medical specialists throughout the country. The topic on professional burnout and its prevention is still of current nature. The support group in the city of Sofia is open and it could be joined by all the medical specialists. If you too:
- Would like to improve your communication with your patients?
- Would like to acquire new skills in coping with toxic work environment, stress and tension at the workplace?
- Would like to meet other specialists in the area and exchange experience?
- Would like to learn more about personal development?
- Would like to figure out all these things from a professional
Improvement of strategies for coping with everyday tension (stress) and the negative aspects it brings about.
All the healthcare professionals in the city of Sofia could enrol as participants in the group for stress and “burnout” prevention.
Twice monthly group sessions are held (up to 10 persons) aimed at improving the well-being of each and every participant.
“Astra Forum” Foundation undertakes to cover most of the costs. The participants need to provide additional payment of 20 BGN per session.
This is a long-term initiative and your personal results from it come with consistency.
Nina Todorova, organizational assistant
Tel. +359 883 48 12 35
E-mail: support@astraforumfoundation.org
Traning for Immunity Ambassadors and Communication Skills
“Уважаеми пътници, полетът от София за Варна излита след 50 минути, моля всички пътници да се ориентират към изход 1.“
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