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In the end of March, “Astra Forum” Foundation, with the support of the WHO office in Bulgaria, training was held for the immunity ambassadors. This is Foundation’s new initiative aimed at medical specialists that keep close to their hearts the merits of vaccine prophylactics. The goodwill ambassadors communicate bravely and openly within their circle of patients, colleagues and friends on the utility of vaccines. Since the beginning of ambassadors’ recruitment, their number has already risen to 13 doctors from all over the country and different medicine majors.

During the training, the Foundation gathered at one and the same place most of the ambassadors, as well as medical specialists with in-depth interest in the topic. 16 doctors joined, mainly general practitioners and immunologists. The beginning was set with practical session for “get to know among the participants”. Each and every participant got the chance to introduce him- or herself before the others, as well as share two things that he/she would like the others to know about him/herself in terms of vaccines. Everyone expressed support for the routine immunizations as well as the recommended vaccines that they had administered or recommend to their relatives.

We continued with the presentation of the Manual for interpersonal communication on immunization for medical specialists by Momchil Baev, doctor of medicine, founder and chairman of “Astra Forum” Foundation. He introduced the audience to its contents. He managed to present them the technique: motivational interviewing and gave examples from the practice about its use. He presented the supplemented topics in the new edition of the Manual, which is about to be published soon in digital format and later on paper. It includes preface by associate professor Mihail Okoliyski, deputy-minister of health. According to him: “Effective communication promotes transformation and provision of complex scientific knowledge so that these could be understood by the people which creates trust and good mental health. I am of the firm opinion that this Manual is the next successful step in this direction“, associate professor Okoliyski says in the preface. 

The new topics reviewed in the Manual are the following:

Vaccine prophylactics for human papilloma virus (HPV): how good communication could improve vaccination coverage?

Crises communication for vaccination: how to react?

Blitz column with doctors from all over the country.

New practical applications

In addition to the trending topics in the renewed edition, you could find the opinion of doctors that share their opinion on issues related to communication doctor-patient and vaccine prophylactics. You could also find practical applications to be used during the target tuitions for medical specialists.

The day continued with sessions together with Mariana Petrova, devoted to communication about immunizations. The first of them was in the pattern of interactive game of the topic: “Effective communication in action”. The main objective was for the participants to exercise in informal circumstances the main challenges in the process of delivery and reception of information. They were supposed to recreate model of a picture made from toothpicks which was seen by just one person from a team. With the right questions towards him, the participants managed perfectly with the assigned task. Once again they proved that the right questions are the key to successful communication.

The next session was devoted to identifying the main issues in communication about immunizations within the session “Issues in communication about immunizations, floor is yours“. During it, they all shared challenges in their communication with patients, colleagues and relatives about vaccine prophylactics and immunizations. On the other hand, they suggested ways to improve communication on the topic. All the proposals were outlined in separate categories. This way, the participants felt even more united by the ideas, since even if with different majors and from different settlements, they experience one and the same problematic situations. Thus, the specialists identified the problem roots and created tree of solutions. It supports the medical specialists while providing them with the opportunity to join group sessions with psychotherapist in the city of Sofia. The group is open and it could be joined by health specialists that would like to improve their skills for cooping with stress at the workplace.

Следващата сесия бе посветена на идентифицирането на основните проблеми в комуникацията за имунизациите в рамките на сесията „Проблеми в общуването за имунизациите, имате думата“. По време на нея всички споделиха  предизвикателства в комуникацията си с пациенти, колеги и близки за ваксинопрофилактиката и имунизациите. От друга страна предложиха и начини за подобряване на общуването по темата. Всички предложения бяха обособени в отделни категории. По този начин участниците се почувстваха още по-обединени около идеите, тъй като дори и от различни специалности и населени места, те преминават през едни и същи проблемни ситуации. По този начин специалистите идентифицираха корените на проблемите и създадоха дърво на решенията. подкрепя медицинските специалисти като им дава възможност за включване в групови сесии с психотерапевт в град София. Групата е отворена и в нея може да се включват здравни специалисти, които искат да подобрят уменията си за справяне със стреса на работа.

On the second training day, the media expert Nadezhda Uzunova presented the topic on Media literacy concerning communication about vaccine prophylactics. She provided practical pieces of advice on how to present the topic before her patients so that they could trust them and listen to their recommendations. Nadezhda Uzunova shared before the medical specialists that they should always have a message to be directed during a conversation with the interlocutor; to be using iterations so that they could be heard; share personal story or the one of his/her patient so that they could see themselves in it. Also, she underlined that it is very important how to present the information itself and the more it speaks “patient’s language”, the easier they could attract them on their side.

All the time, all the medical specialists were very active. They managed to share and discuss opinions on the issues, ideas and experience being discussed. If you would like to become part of the Immunity ambassadors you could write us at the following email: , so that we could provide you with more information.

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