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National Conference for Pediatricians and GPs "Children of Bulgaria"

The so-called “conference of Prof. Perenovska” for another year brought together doctors from all over the country. 

On St. George’s Weekend, more than 530 attendees and on-line participants devoted themselves to topical pediatric topics and discussions. 

Under the title “Children of Bulgaria”, the forum was colorful from cases and information from different aspects of medical practice. 

The topic COVID-19 and children’s vaccination did not remain on the periphery and was part of both the scientific program and the overview poster session. 

In the last Momchil Baev from Astra Forum Foundation presented the reality data on the national scope with pediatric vaccines against COVID-19 in the children’s population 5-18 years. 

The conclusions were clear – the lack of a targeted vaccination campaign in the country on the benefits of vaccination against COVID-19 in children led to the low scope in this age group. The trend of vaccination in children follows the vaccination scope and among the rest of the population with an apparent decrease in 2022. Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is also preferred in children. Bulgaria is last in the EU for vaccinated children against SARS-CoV-2.

This is a prerequisite for epidemic spread of the virus, severe illness and in rare cases of death from COVID-19 in children.

Some of the delegates at the conference shared the difficulties they have overcome epidemiologically and yet are ready to actively resume the placement of booster doses, as well as to vaccinate new patients.


Faced with other topicalities of working daily life, in the framework of the forum doctors also visited the stands from the exhibition part. At the Stand of Astra Forum they became acquainted with the upcoming activities of the foundation, as well as exclusive materials intended for use by doctors.

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